
Showing posts from January, 2023

Week 4 - Animation Portfolio, Short Project and Presentation

  Robot programming platform for competition>> SOURCE Please complete Mr. Webb's Daily Check-In >>> HERE OBJECTIVE - Research reference footage to provide the basis of movement and plausible timing for an animated shot. - Practice storyboarding and story pitching based upon a provided story synopsis - Configure capstone student Adobe Cloud accounts - Chromebook virtualization - Our First 3D Film Project - Submit final presentation slides, and deliver oral presentation pitches to peers. TASK 1 - Configure Adobe Cloud Accounts Go to - Follow set-up and configuration instructions during class to access your Adobe Cloud software. - Use Photoshop and Illustrator to design a name badge icon TASK 2 -  Turn Around Sketches of your Robot - Design front, side, and 3/4 side view images of your robot, with color for the final design that will be used in your short film and pitch. TASK 3 - Complete the "Story of Loss" task from Week 2 TASK - Reflection writing

WEEK 3 - Anim Des

  CGI Character rig Facial Expression Test: SOURCE Please complete Mr. Webb's Daily Check-In >>> HERE OBJECTIVE - Research reference footage to provide the basis of movement and plausible timing for an animated shot. - Practice storyboarding and story pitching based upon a provided story synopsis - Configure capstone student Adobe Cloud accounts TASK 1 - Reviewing Hierarchy Character Animation with Blender. - Locate reference videos to complete two animations for each of the three categories below. - Submit your animations as Blender files, and upload to SketchFab for later portfolio display. Hierarchy Animation Exercise prompts (Make two from each category) i.  Simple Animations  (Head turn, wave, head nod on beat, clapping hands) ii.  Action poses  (Walk, run, skip, jump[vertical, angled, running], duck/dodge, pull-up/chin-up, cartwheel, punch, kick, throw[ball], swing[bat], slide, wade [in shallow water] iii.  Expressive poses  (Lost my dog/devastated, Can't finish

Spring 2023 | Week 2

   eBoy Portraiture - Source Please complete Mr. Webb's Daily Check-In >>> HERE OBJECTIVE - Read and reflect upon the contemporary nature of what it takes to find your audience in a huge field of animation talent with similarly executed techniques. - Distill memories of lived experiences, to tell short stories via the animation medium. - Refine skills in spatial awareness, sculpting, and visualization for narrative productions. TASK Research and Writing - How animation festivals were reinvented during the COVID-19 pandemic by Mike Schnier Read the article, then type a response to the following questions on a Google doc. 1. How have animation festivals adapted to the COVID-19 pandemic? 2. What challenges have animation festivals faced during the pandemic? 3. How have virtual and online platforms been utilized by animation festivals during the pandemic? 4. How have animation festivals been able to maintain their sense of community during the pandemic? Please submit your typ

Welcome Back - Spring 2023

   Please complete Mr. Webb's Daily Check-In >>> HERE OBJECTIVE - Welcome Back for the Spring semester! - Begin Opening Day Activities (sign & return schedules, complete tasks below) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TASK 1 - Google Drive Shared Folder Creation Step-by-Step Google Drive folder slideshow>> HERE Follow the steps on the slide show to make your own shared folder.  Submit the link to your folder in Task 2 TASK 2 - Spring 2023 Opening Day Survey Click the following link to access the survey >> HERE TASK 3 - Goal Setting Activity - Part 1, Traditional Drawing PART 1 - TRADITIONAL PAPER DRAW 3 THINGS THAT YOU DID OVER THE WINTER BREAK -Something you enjoyed -Something you learned -Something you actively wanted and pursued On the lines below the boxes, describe what each box is showing. In the space below the boxes, trace your hand.  Within each finger write goals that you will set for yourself this semester.