
Showing posts from April, 2023

Week 15

  Please complete Mr. Webb's Daily Check-In >>> HERE OBJECTIVE - Create animation products that can be composited into large film projects - Develop techniques for the refinement of the capstone animation portfolio. - Translating presentation skills from one stylistic format (live stage presentation) to another (metaverse and virtual presentation format) TASK 1 - Animation Compositing   Do all of the steps listed below to complete the animation draw over assignment that began in class last Friday, April 17th. *Add 4 seconds/96 frames of animation or more to compliment the action in one of the video clips. Submit your Krita file for credit. Set up your documents  1.) Download the folder of video clips provided in Schoology Course Updates 2.) Extract the folder, then select one video to import to Shotcut.  3.) Once imported, convert the video into an image sequence by selecting EXPORT>STILLS>JPEG.  Be sure to make a new folder in which to save all of the JPEGS! 4.) Nex

WEEK 14 AME Fest Shorts

MidJourney render from Angry Birds! - SOURCE  The Robots are Now Hiring! - WSJ Please complete Mr. Webb's Daily Check-In >>> HERE OBJECTIVE - Exploration and practice for use in animation credit recovery - Create animation products that can be composited into large film projects - Develop techniques for the refinement of personal portfolios. ***IMPORTANT NOTE*** ALL TASKS DURING THIS WEEK HAVE A STRICT DEADLINE OF COMPLETION BY FRIDAY, APRIL 21st. TASK 1. READ, REMIX, AND STORYBOARD Read one of the stories below.   i. The Scroll , ii. Laced , iii. The Last Job Fair , iv. The Resilient 1a. On a Google doc, copy the original story, then add comments for how you might alter elements of it to make the story more interesting, or otherwise appealing and attention-getting. 1b. Draw a storyboard for the story, as you have redesigned it to add greater appeal. Please submit your written document, and storyboards as JPG images or a PDF document via Schoology for credit. ADDITIONAL RE

Week 13-Friday April 14

  SOURCE Please complete Mr. Webb's Daily Check-In >>> HERE OBJECTIVE - Exploration and practice for use in animation credit recovery - Create animation products that can be composited into large film projects - Develop techniques for refinement of personal portfolios. TASK - Produce a short Animation (4seconds/96frames, up to 10seconds/240frames) of a character moving from one part of the screen to another, using their own power  (100 points credited per completed work submitted) (ie. Walking, running, jogging, jumping, skipping, electric sliding, etc.) Use whatever software resources you need to in order to produce this animation today (in one class period). *For credit please submit your animations via Schoology no later than Monday, April 17, 5pm.