
Showing posts from May, 2023


Portfolio website ad image. SOURCE Please complete Mr. Webb's Daily Check-In >>> HERE OBJECTIVE - Complete Lucas Films Screening Feedback - Prepare the Final Portfolio  TASK 1 Lucas Films Screening Feedback Watch the 15-minute film then provide feedback in the Google Survey.  *Link provided via Schoology. TASK 2 FINAL PORTFOLIO UPDATE -- In Portfolium 1. Update your PORTFOLIUM with  A.) Senior Defense artifacts & SD Reflections  Update your Portfolium digital portfolio to include your SVAH Senior Defense artifacts, and description. In your reflection, address the following: - What was your experience like presenting your Senior Defense to a panel?  Describe with details. - Which portions of your presentation did you expect would do well, and what were some "Glows" you received from the panelists? - Looking back on your Senior Defense, what have you learned about yourself, and areas of self-improvement you should be aware of when preparing for significant mome

Week 16 - Flipbook Traditional Animation Project

  Please complete Mr. Webb's Daily Check-In >>> HERE OBJECTIVE - Produce a physical portfolio artifact in the form of a 100+ frame flipbook animation, with dynamic action, color, and generally appealing imagery. * Although you will be completing the tasks below with one scratch pad, you will earn credit for each production task as though it is a separate assignment. FOR CREDIT YOU WILL HAND IN YOUR COMPLETED FLIP BOOK SCRATCHPAD, AND DIGITAL SCANNED VERSION BY FRIDAY, MAY 12, 2023 TASK 1.  ANIMATION PLANNING On a plain sheet of 8.5-inch x 11-inch paper, show evidence of brainstorming imagery, actions, transitions, and story with sketches and notes.  Your note sheet should have your name clearly printed on the front and back of each side, and visually communicate all of the relevant information to appear in your actual flipbook animation. TASK 2. FLIPBOOK ROUGH DRAFT Rough sketches of animation frames approximate the shapes, movement, and story on pages of the scratchpad, a