Spring 2023 | Week 2


eBoy Portraiture - Source

Please complete Mr. Webb's Daily Check-In >>>HERE


- Read and reflect upon the contemporary nature of what it takes to find your audience in a huge field of animation talent with similarly executed techniques.

- Distill memories of lived experiences, to tell short stories via the animation medium.

- Refine skills in spatial awareness, sculpting, and visualization for narrative productions.

TASK Research and Writing - How animation festivals were reinvented during the COVID-19 pandemic by Mike Schnier

Read the article, then type a response to the following questions on a Google doc.

1. How have animation festivals adapted to the COVID-19 pandemic?
2. What challenges have animation festivals faced during the pandemic?
3. How have virtual and online platforms been utilized by animation festivals during the pandemic?
4. How have animation festivals been able to maintain their sense of community during the pandemic?

Please submit your typed document as a PDF file via Schoology for credit.


Watch the short film series, and answer the questions based upon episode one that follow in a typed document.

- Justin Rausch Dogonauts Animated YouTube Series

  1. How does the episode introduce and develop the main characters and their personalities?
  2. What themes or messages are explored in the episode?
  3. How does the episode advance the overall plot and story arc?
  4. What techniques or elements of animation are used to create a specific visual or emotional effect?
  5. How does the episode's score or soundtrack contribute to the overall tone and atmosphere?
  6. How does the episode address cultural or societal issues relevant to its audience?
  7. How does the episode use humor or comedy to engage the audience?
  8. How does the episode balance different elements such as action, drama, and character development?

Please submit your typed document as a PDF file via Schoology for credit.

TASK - Reflection writing and illustration

Make a Google Slides story pitch about a time when you lost something.

Your presentation must tell the story both with pictures and in the presenter notes, write answers to the questions that you will illustrate:

What did you lose? How old were you when you lost it?  Where were you?  How did you lose the thing?  Where did you look for it?  Were you able to recover the thing that you lost?  How did the experience make you feel?  Have you lost anything similar since then?  Had you lost anything important before this instance?  What advice would you give to someone else experiencing such loss?

TASK - Reviewing Hierarchy Character Animation with Blender.

- Model a hierarchy figure using the parent-child hierarchy rigging method.

- Animate key prompts given by Mr. Webb.

Hierarchy Animation Exercise prompts (Make two from each category)
i.  Simple Animations (Head turn, wave, head nod on beat, clapping hands)
ii.  Action poses (Walk, run, skip, jump[vertical, angled, running], duck/dodge, pull-up/chin-up, cartwheel, punch, kick, throw[ball], swing[bat], slide, wade [in shallow water]

iii.  Expressive poses (Lost my dog/devastated, Can't finish the marathon/ Extremely exhausted, Casually eating a bowl of cereal at breakfast, Looking for my keys & late for a meeting/Frantic searching, Agitated, Anxiety-ridden, Joyous/Excited celebration)

Upload your finished animations to SketchFab, and Mr. Webb's Shared Google Doc.

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