WEEK 3 - Anim Des


CGI Character rig Facial Expression Test: SOURCE

Please complete Mr. Webb's Daily Check-In >>>HERE


- Research reference footage to provide the basis of movement and plausible timing for an animated shot.

- Practice storyboarding and story pitching based upon a provided story synopsis

- Configure capstone student Adobe Cloud accounts

TASK 1 - Reviewing Hierarchy Character Animation with Blender.

- Locate reference videos to complete two animations for each of the three categories below.

- Submit your animations as Blender files, and upload to SketchFab for later portfolio display.

Hierarchy Animation Exercise prompts (Make two from each category)
i.  Simple Animations (Head turn, wave, head nod on beat, clapping hands)
ii.  Action poses (Walk, run, skip, jump[vertical, angled, running], duck/dodge, pull-up/chin-up, cartwheel, punch, kick, throw[ball], swing[bat], slide, wade [in shallow water]

iii.  Expressive poses (Lost my dog/devastated, Can't finish the marathon/ Extremely exhausted, Casually eating a bowl of cereal at breakfast, Looking for my keys & late for a meeting/Frantic searching, Agitated, Anxiety-ridden, Joyous/Excited celebration)

Upload your finished animations to SketchFab, the Shared Google Drive folder, and submit via Schoology.

TASK 2 - Storyboarding Exercise "The Robot that Woke Up" J.Webb

Use the 2-Frame Vertical Storyboard template at the link below to retell the story with visuals.

- Studio Binder storyboard template HERE<<

- Submit your storyboard sheets, to be scanned.  PITCH YOUR PROPOSED VISUALIZATION OF THE STORY FOR CREDIT.

TASK 3 - Story Pitch presentation 

- Oral presentation with digitized color visuals, and/or sound effects to create appealing project displays.

- Present the Storyboarding Exercise in 3 minutes or less with complete imagery, and dynamic retelling to build interest in producing the final animation as a short film.

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