Week 4 - Animation Portfolio, Short Project and Presentation


Robot programming platform for competition>>SOURCE

Please complete Mr. Webb's Daily Check-In >>>HERE


- Research reference footage to provide the basis of movement and plausible timing for an animated shot.

- Practice storyboarding and story pitching based upon a provided story synopsis

- Configure capstone student Adobe Cloud accounts

- Chromebook virtualization - Our First 3D Film Project

- Submit final presentation slides, and deliver oral presentation pitches to peers.

TASK 1 - Configure Adobe Cloud Accounts

Go to Adobe.com

- Follow set-up and configuration instructions during class to access your Adobe Cloud software.

- Use Photoshop and Illustrator to design a name badge icon

TASK 2 - Turn Around Sketches of your Robot

- Design front, side, and 3/4 side view images of your robot, with color for the final design that will be used in your short film and pitch.

TASK 3 - Complete the "Story of Loss" task from Week 2

TASK - Reflection writing and illustration

Make a story pitch about a time when you lost something.

-Use the provided Studio binder pages to write and draw your story.

-Digitize, color, and finish story panels as a Google Slides presentation.

Your presentation must tell the story both with pictures and in the presenter notes, write answers to the questions that you will illustrate:

What did you lose? How old were you when you lost it?  Where were you?  How did you lose the thing?  Where did you look for it?  Were you able to recover the thing that you lost?  How did the experience make you feel?  Have you lost anything similar since then?  Had you lost anything important before this instance?  What advice would you give to someone else experiencing such loss?

TASK 4 - Digitally format the "Robot That Woke Up" for Friday's Presentation

- Redraw (digitally, or on paper and scanned) the 8 shots from your rendition of the story panels.

- Locate Sound FX from sites like Mixkit.co and Artlist.io to trigger during your presentation, for impact.

- Write an outline or script to control your delivery of the story.

- Rehearse and record your performance (please be advised, Friday's presentation must be delivered 'live' and not be pre-recorded.

- Please submit your presentation (this task) as a PowerPoint document, containing all of your art and text shown during the final presentation, via Schoology

TASK 5 - PRESENTATIONS,<postponed>

Students will perform their live presentations in front of their classroom peers.  We will casually assess, with a rubric, and offer constructive feedback to maximize our performance here and on future presentations.

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