Week 8 Modernizing Film Production, continued

Lester Banks article discusses using EbSynth for rapid clean-up with key art. Source: 1, 2 article

Please complete Mr. Webb's Daily Check-In >>>HERE


- Finish and submit last week's rotoscoping task.
- Reflect upon and relay the procedures practiced to produce modern rotoscoped animation with AI-image generation to teach the computer to mimic our style of drawing.
- Begin composing our next series of animated movies for screening.

WEEK 8 Research and Writing Tasks - Complete the writing tasks below on a copy of the Google Doc linked >>>HERE

TASK 1 - Teach someone else how to use our method of rotoscoping, with EbSynth!

a.)  In a paragraph or more, describe the process of using EbSynth to turn live video footage into stylized, animated-looking frames in your own words  

  • You can use the video here for reference>> 

AI Animation Tutorial | The Simpsons with EbSynth


b.)  Discuss when Rotoscoping was first invented/patented and how this new method of rotoscoping with EbSynth differs from the traditional animation technique, and what makes this new method so much better.

  • You may also reference the Vox video to help inspire your description of antique rotoscoping methods.

The trick that made animation realistic>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IS1hCSsmH1E 

c.) Copy and paste your image frame and draw over frames from the ‘Video Editing’ task beneath your text responses to the prompts.  Add captions under each image to label the photo, then the draw-over.

TASK 2 - Using AI to imagine my own PIXAR MOVIE (with Dall-E2)

Watch the video (LINK HERE), and then discuss all of the points below after each blank hyphen.

  • 2a.) If you were going to use the same animated film production process as the author, what would it require you to do?  Please add detailed descriptions of the steps, as they are outlined in the video.

  • 2b.) The video author talks about the challenges of making animated films with this method.  What is one example of a challenge that he mentions?

  • 2c.)  Imagine that you were going to design a poster for a short film about your own life, cultural heritage, and experiences, like the author of this video, has.  Describe what it would look like, what kind of life events would you want to include, and where would the story take place?  If you have a title in mind for the film, mention that as well.

TASK 3 - Corridor Crew Visual Effects, and a different AI image generation technique for animation.

Did we just change animation forever? (23:02)


Anime Rock, Paper, Scissors (7:21)


Answer some reasoning questions after watching the videos.  Compare and contrast the method of animation shown in their video to the EBSynth method that we were using.

  • 1. Which method has fewer steps?

  • 2. Which method is easier to use (requires the least refined skills)?

  • 3. Which method is probably the fastest in production?

  • 4. Which method gives the best-looking result?

  • 5. How can either of these methods make animation production better?

TASK PBL - Deploy SimpleCloud on Chromebooks
-Group animation project, to be announced.

- EbSynth (https://ebsynth.com/

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