Week 11 - Democracy Project - Animation Prototypes


Mr. Webb's in-class development process notes from Week 10

 Please complete Mr. Webb's Daily Check-In >>>HERE


- Refine the concept of your Democracy project by considering elements of movement within the piece that will constitute animation.

- Developing ANIMATED loops of 4-8 seconds, based upon your preliminary artwork

- Consult with peers to anticipate challenges, and consider solutions.

Warm Up: 
(A) Sample 3D process
Sign up for Vectary.com 
Intro to interface 
Build simple layouts (position camera, lights, objects)
Refine shot with higher resolution models 
*How to retrieve models from Sketchfab 
Refining lights, colors, and RENDERING 
*Rendering keyframes, exporting frames for animation 

(B) Color & Emphasis 
Adobe color tools, palettes 🎨 & color harmony 
- Finding patterns that match the emotional tone
- Using the colors on objects, and lights to create the final feeling of the animation 
Submit your evidence of color planning document (containing palettes, hex codes) via Schoology

[Webb's example illustration in 3D]

2-5 minutes to sketch a proposed idea on paper, with some notes to describe what you imagine. 
Partner sharing: One person has 1 minute to explain their concept, while the other person takes notes to later present it to the class. In addition to being able to retell what the partner intends to do, consider what challenges you might face while attempting to create your partner's envisioned project. Share those concerns, and the person receiving must give one rebuttal to address a possible solution to the problem. 
Submit your evidence of collaboration notes via Schoology

TASK 1- Animated portion sketching
Complete a draft version of your moving shot. Needs to roughly show the elements and how you might create movement that makes sense in the context of your 4-8 second (96frames-192frames, at 24fps) Animated loop.

For credit submit your work-in-progress files that show evidence of planning via Schoology.  
This may include additional sketches, animation tests, color swatches with notes to clarify how those colors might be useful for the final visuals, etc.

TASK 2-Polished version 
Your refined image frames must be submitted by 2pm, Wednesday, March 29th 
for credit. 

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