Week 9 - Video Project VFX continued...


Visual Effects, background replacement example. SOURCE
Please complete Mr. Webb's Daily Check-In >>>HERE


- Practice Chroma Key Techniques with Shotcut to replace the background of our rotoscope project with a custom animation.
- Examine the layering of visual effects to create more dynamic shots
- Evaluate the resource commitments required to produce polished, and appealing shots for entertainment media.

- WARM-UP Drawing in Magma studio

Make sketches of people on the soccer field in front of RFK. 

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TASK 1 - Review the script for your class period (Period 1 - 12 Principles of Animation, and Period 3 - Hero's Journey) then write a plan for designing and animating visuals that complement the narration, to help tell the story.

You are responsible for: 

1.) Sketches that communicate the planned movement of art imagery, including the objects that will appear in the background, the direction of movement (ie. with arrows pointing, or lightly sketched paths of objects).

2.) Notes to support the sketches by explaining in writing what you will add to the final video project, including the steps you will go through in order to produce the background animation.

*FOR CREDIT - One JPEG image with both your sketches and notes should be submitted via Schoology.

TASK 2 - Replace the background of your own interview footage with the animation that you created in Krita (Visualize your plan from Task 1)

- Shotcut Chromakey (FAST) tutorial >>HERE

- Shotcut Chromakey Technique, in depth >>HERE

*FOR CREDIT - Submit your Krita animation file with the animated imagery that you described in your plan, from Task 1

TASK 3 - Type a Google Doc reflection to discuss the following. 

- What are 3 Pros and 3 Cons to using the mixed video and hand-drawn animation method in storytelling - when does it work vs. when would it be impractical, or unuseful to employ?  How difficult is this method compared to simply animation-only, or video-only productions?  How would this method work better with teammates.

*Submit as a PDF via Schoology

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