Week 15


Please complete Mr. Webb's Daily Check-In >>>HERE


- Create animation products that can be composited into large film projects

- Develop techniques for the refinement of the capstone animation portfolio.

- Translating presentation skills from one stylistic format (live stage presentation) to another (metaverse and virtual presentation format)

TASK 1 - Animation Compositing 
Do all of the steps listed below to complete the animation draw over assignment that began in class last Friday, April 17th.

*Add 4 seconds/96 frames of animation or more to compliment the action in one of the video clips. Submit your Krita file for credit.

Set up your documents 
1.) Download the folder of video clips provided in Schoology Course Updates
2.) Extract the folder, then select one video to import to Shotcut. 
3.) Once imported, convert the video into an image sequence by selecting EXPORT>STILLS>JPEG.  Be sure to make a new folder in which to save all of the JPEGS!
4.) Next, open Krita.
6.) Within the Import Animation window, Click the button that says, "Add Frames" and look for the folder containing the JPEG images you saved from the video clip.
7.) In the JPEG folder, select ALL images by clicking on the first file listed then scrolling to the bottom. Hold the Shift key and click on the last picture, and all of the images should highlight. *NOTE: You can also use CTRL-A to select all.
8.) Lock and label the layer containing your video, then add a layer above to begin drawing frames of animation.
9.) Remember to save your work often to prevent loss!!!

Examples of 2D animation on video frames 


TASK 2 - Converting the story
- Produce audio files of your Senior Defense "story" to play sequentially in your digital diorama. Either record yourself reciting your Senior Defense, or use a synthetic voice app such as TTSmp3.com to generate the narration. 
- Save each slide of your Senior Defense presentation as a JPG image (*Both Microsoft PowerPoint and Google Slides offer the ability to export presentation slides as images)
- Find compelling soundtrack music to compliment your presentation using one of the royalty free audio licensing sites, like Artlist.io, Epidemic Sound.com, or Mixkit.
- Log into Spatial.io 
- Create a Space, then upload the image frames and audio clips of your Senior Defense presentation.
- Arrange the images and clips so that as your avatar walks along a path, you can see the next slide image.  You can also add a cube and stretch it to make a wall as a barrier to hide elements from view until the avatar moves to that place in the story.

*Submit your work by SHARING THE LINK to your Spatial.io Space via Schoology. 

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